Dev Log 6: 2021-10-20

We have a new character model now, we’re going to replace it with the placeholder one we have right now.

We’ve play tested the game a bit and found out that it’s a bit hard to balance the ball, so we’ve made our platform is a bit concave now to make the ball stick to the center more.

We're also now successfully using the new Unity input manager system.

The first basic level, on the build dated October 20 2021, is finishable from start to end. We also have a temple model at the end of level, some simple terrain to navigate.

We have a winning condition implemented, we don’t really have a losing condition. You can roam freely after dropping the ball. You have to press the reset button to restart the level. And you can’t win without getting the ball to the end of the level, and the ball has to be on top of the platform.

We’ve also added a bit of lore to our game. The characters are explorers trying to get the artifact out of the temple, but they can’t touch it, so the have to carry it using the only thing they’ve found, which was the platform.

You'll find our build attached below.


Balance Is Key Oct 20 22 MB
Oct 20, 2021

Get Balance is Key

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